
Hi there, Welcome to my life and faith written down for you to read through. Please comment with your encouragements, challenges or requests for something else

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Your Call

I hear your call
I hear your voice
It says draw near to me
Come to me and find rest

I hear your call
I hear your voice
It says stand up and move
Speak to them about me
I hear your call
I hear your voice
It says to love them all
As I have loved you

I hear your call
I hear your voice
It says don’t worry
I am with you
I hear your call
I hear your voice
It says pain will come
Things will be hard
I hear your call
I hear your voice
It says follow me
Do my will today

I hear your call
I hear your voice
It says be my hands
And be my feet

I hear your call
I hear your voice
It says I will speak
To them through you

I hear your call
I hear your voice
Do you obey or turn away?

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Expand me

Expand me

Like a balloon, you fill me up
With your spirit, your love
As I grow and get bigger with you
Continue to fill me up till I overflow
Expand my vision
Expand my skills
Expand my heart
Expand my hands
So I can serve you
Like a balloon I grow and grow with you
I give my fear to you, whatever’s next
What can I do
Expand me
Don’t let me pop
just keep expanding me
I live to serve you

Monday, 18 June 2012

My daily prayer......
Face full
Shine on me Lord a new way on this day
Grant me blessings as I go your way
Guide me on the path so I don’t stray
Keep me on the straight and narrow always
Reveal yourself to me O Lord I pray
Show your face; walk with me all the way
Give me a face full of your glory on this day
So people look at me and see you always

Sunday, 17 June 2012


For all those people that need encouraging to keep going, to persevere through the bad or dark times, Keep going.

As I walk this road, a long and windy road
Darkness sets in and the light diminishes
Like a candle being extinguished
or a torch slowly fading as the darkness overwhelms it
Fear plays on my mind as my eyes see things in the shadows
My mind casts back to why I started this journey
And the fears disappear
Things seemed so right back there
In the light, but now doubt plagues me

Did I do the right thing?
Was this really want God intended for me?
I must keep walking this road
Confusion sets in, I lose my bearings
Which way have I come?
What challenges am I yet to face
I cling onto the vision that sets me on this road

No one else is on the road
No guidance, no comfort
Just loneliness in the darkness
Faith tells me God is with me
On this road, that pushes me forward
Into the blackness
I know God is there,
but he remains silent in my prayers

We walk on together, in silence but persistent
One day this darkness will vanish
The light will penetrate and chase the darkness away
Like walking out or a dark tunnel into the blinding light
That day, that hope keeps me going
Encourages me to push through the darkness along this road
However long it may be I will keep going
I won’t quit, I just want to do it.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Washed up just like our weather!

With all the rough weather we have been having this past few days, then it reminded me of this poem I wrote whilst on holiday years ago.
Washed up
Tossed this way and that
Blown by the wind near and far
To places I have never been
Where am I going
What is my direction
How do I get there
Who is at the helm
Take the wheel God
Take me home
Set the sails and lead me there
Never let me stray off your course today
I give you control
I am abandoned to you O Lord
Never to be washed up again on shore once more

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Another past poem

I felt God prompt me last month to read this one out during a ladies worship event. I wrote it a few years ago.
Held tight, held safe
Held strong, held secure
In your arms
Here where I rest
Here where I sleep
Here where I am
Here is where I will stay in your hands
Arms around me, protecting me
Shielding me from harm
No matter what comes my way
The problems I will face
The obstacles along the way
We face them together
We walk side by side
You carry me at times, you will get me by
Hold me tight in your hands
Nothing can shake me out
Nothing can make me stray
With you in me and me held by you

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Past poems

Desert Place
As I walk through this desert
I know you are there
I feel your presence
Drawing me closer, holding me nearer

Further and further I walk
Still you are there
Keeping me going and
Brushing me off when I fall down

 As I grow tired and weary
You are there with water and food
You sustain me and we walk on again
Surely this desert must end
What will have changed?
Will I have changed?
Will I see the world in a different way
Will people see more of you in me
 Father let your will be done in this
desert place In your time

Monday, 4 June 2012

Walk on By

I wrote this back in 2006, whilst I was in Vancouver Canada. I had just walked through the downtown area of the City and had seen so much need, but at the same time so much help and support was available to people.

If I fell in the road today
Would you notice and come my way?
If I was beaten and bruised
Would you come to cleanse my wounds?

If I was lost and astray
Would you leave the many to find the few?
If I was cold and hungry
Would you feed and clothe me?

If I was suffering injustice
Would you stand up for the truth?
If I needed a place to lay my head
Would you give me a bed?

If I was struggling along
Would you stop and offer a hand?
If I looked sad and dismayed
Would you care to say a prayer?

If I needed a friend
Would you come alongside?
If I needed prayer and support
Would you take the time to care?

If I needed a shoulder to cry on
Would you stay there for long?
If I needed to let my anger out
Would you take it and still care?

If I was alone in a room
Would you come over to me?
If I called you in the night
Would you come out to help?

Or Would you walk on by
As you hurry along

Would you sit in church and pray
For ways to help others each day?
Would you stare down your nose
Or turn the other way?

Would you pretend you didn’t see
as you ignore their needs?
Would you ignore the encounter as a fluke
Or see it as an opportunity to share my love?

Do you walk around in a dream
Blind to what I can see?
Do you not see the world in pain
As each goes their own way?

They follow their desires and thoughts
Not knowing where they will lead
They are slaves to sin
Although they think they are free

I sent my son to you
He died on a cross for all
His blood has made you new
If that is what you choose

I leave you my church to care
For all those that you see
I will return one day
For all the world to see

Untill then I need a people that know
The way through for all to find me
For whatever you do to the least
You are doing it for me.