
Hi there, Welcome to my life and faith written down for you to read through. Please comment with your encouragements, challenges or requests for something else

Monday, 25 July 2016

Looking back as one becomes two

I made it through
the time has passed
the long hours and days
the challenges overcome
the obstacles knocked away
I didn’t stray
I saw it through
I stayed the course
Committed, convicted
Till the end I did
No giving up, no quitting
No walking away,
No question about it
No doubt in my mind
I was there to push on
I was there to pursue
I was there to achieve more than I knew
I was there to see it through

I prayed before cos I knew
It was more than I could do
Too much to bear
The burden too big
One needed to be two
This army ahead blocking my way
Advancing towards me every day
So I prayed for my one to be two
For a friend to stay true
And then there by my side
We were now two
My friend, he said
Step forward with me
Hold the line
Stay true
We will win through
We continue to push on
Day by day
Side by side
Battling through
We two were like glue
Hold the line
Stay true
We will win through
Our war cry our chant
Till we broke through

Keep moving on
My friend he said
Don’t stop, don’t rest
There is more to still do
A wall ahead blocking the way
Towering above into the sky
Stretching out far and wide
Keep moving on
My friend he said
Like this, follow me
As he climbs up and away
I follow on
After him up the wall
Following close
Holding tight to not fall
Keep moving on
My friend he said
We will win through
We can scale this wall
Don’t stop, don’t rest
There is more to still do
Slowly and surely
We go up the wall
Higher and higher
We climb us two
The ground below us falls away
Disappears behind clouds in the way
Keep moving on
The refrain in my head
Won’t let me quit
Won’t let me rest
My friend he said
Just one more step
We made it us two
We have won through

I am with you my friend, he said
Wherever you go
I am there by your side
I was there all the way through
I never gave up
I never let go
I never walked away from you
I saw you in pain
In tears and in grief
I was there in the depths of despair
The dark nights of unbelief
And questioning why them and not me
I was there
Day by day
Standing side by side
I was there all along

So looking ahead to whatever you face
I am there through it all
We will face it together
Be it health or disease
Loss or defeat
Grief or despair
Doubt or unbelief
Be it shame or running away
Be it fear or guilt that you face
Blood, sweat and tears it will take
More than you have you will plead
But I am the I am
I have all that you need
As the I becomes we
And the me turns to us
The one becomes two
So please listen up

Wherever you are on your journey of life
Facing an army ahead
Or battling through in the midst of it all
Looking up at a wall
Facing something so big
You think you might quit
So take stock or take heed
Take the encouragement you need
From these words that you read
Just remember it’s not only you
It’s never a one and always a two
My friend, my King, My God and yours too
He says to us all
Keep moving on
There is more to still do
Hold the line
Stay true
We will win through

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