As I wake each day
Problems come my way
From people I meet
Even out on the street
They tell me their woes
Or tell of their foes
They share their despair
With someone who cares
They lay it out bare
Some wouldn’t dare
To tell others their strife
Much rather take their own life
Then share their sorrow
To live for tomorrow
As we listen and care
To all the problems we bear
With each we can choose
We have nothing to lose
We can sink ourselves down
Raising no more than a frown
We can grumble and moan
About what we have known
Or we can leave them behind
No more in our mind
We could give them away
To someone who stays
For a moment or two
To listen and care
About the problems we bear
We can carry each other
Supporting another
To stand together and still care
As we continue to bear
Our problems and woes along the road
Wherever it goes
We can always turn to him
Even when the light is dim
He will be there, and still care
For us despite what we bear
He will carry us through, wrapped in
his love
Strengthen our hearts and resolve
To push on with the pain
To help others to gain
The insight we have
How we didn’t cave
Despite the woes we still bear
There are those who care
To bear others in prayer
So what will it be surrender or sink?