
Hi there, Welcome to my life and faith written down for you to read through. Please comment with your encouragements, challenges or requests for something else

Thursday, 27 December 2012

This season

This season we remember the gifts that we have
the things we hold dear, the things we live for
We share our time, our presents with those we love
We enjoy fun, games, food and fun together
We travel around from here to there, to enjoy time with others elsewhere
We may look back, reflect over the year before
We may hold regrets of those things left undone or unsaid
those plans, hopes and dreams abandoned along the way
The memories of places, people and the things we did
And now we have the new year ahead
A time to make changes, to renew those dreams
To open those gifts we have left untouched
To give our all to those we meet
Jesus came down to earth, His presence, God's gift to us.
What will we do with the year ahead?
What will you do with the gifts you have?