
Hi there, Welcome to my life and faith written down for you to read through. Please comment with your encouragements, challenges or requests for something else

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Locked away

On a similar vein to the previous one.
Locked away

Like a cat waiting to pounce

Like a coiled up spring

A ball at the top of a slope

A runner on the blocks

A race car revving its engine

That energy inside

That potential locked away

Invisible and unseen

Undetected and unused

Until that moment of release

The tension builds

The pressure mounts

So much could happen

Things could go wrong

People could get hurt

People might see the real me

I look at you my church

I look at you my people

I know you intimately

I love you dearly

I know your hearts desires

I know your skills, gifts and talents

You are like that cat waiting to pounce

That coiled up spring.

I see that energy

I see your potential locked away

It can’t stay hidden from me

I gave it to you for a reason 

Be my church

Do my will

Do your part

Use your skills, gifts and talents

The ones I gave you, for my glory

I release you my church, my people

I will be with you every step of the way

I will comfort you

I will protect you

I will guide and lead you

I will carry you when you are weary

I release you to do all that I have planned for you.



Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Spark into a flame

Something to get you and me motivated and praying for those things God has said in the past which havent yet been fully achieved in reality....Come on my soul....

This glimmer of light

This dusty old tool

This died out fire

Open the windows

Drawback the blinds

Tear down the curtains

Let my light into the darkness

Do the spring cleaning

Clear out the house

Find those forgotten and lost tools

Sharpen them

Make yourselves ready for use

Stoke that fire

Pile up the wood

Keep it burning

Never let it out

This passion will grow 

I will ignite those sparks

Yours sparks, your dreams

My plans for you all 

Get ready I will ignite those sparks into a flame